Spring Cups
Geographic ART WORK paintings Used Vehicles
Cloud and S' Type Heaters
Key Benefits
The original heater matrixes can either be removed or left in place. The ducting from the snow pack in the front wing is removed and the heater unit is fitted to the bulk head. A weather proof housing is then made to cover the unit and wiring. We use a high quality heater unit that runs off your own cars fuel supply. It's highly efficient and very economical. The unit is controlled by a 7 day timer unit so you can set it to heat up the car before your use. Another option is a remote control unit. You can then switch the heater on from inside your house, office or restaurant as and when you need it. Auxiliary fans can be fitted to enhance air flow for comfort or airing your Rolls-Royce or Bentley. This unit can be fitted to earlier Rolls-Royce, Bentley and other Classic cars.
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