Spring Cups
Geographic ART WORK paintings Used Vehicles
Paintwork: We have two independent paint-shops that we recommend. Work can be carried out to concourse standards or to daily use condition. Both are priced sensibly but the extra amount of work that goes into the final finish is obviously reflected in the price.
Trimming: Trimming is done in house by a Rolls-Royce trained expert with over 30 years of experience. He has re-trimmed vehicles for the Queen, The Sultan of Brunei, Rolls-Royce Motors and various Rolls-Royce franchised agents. Convertibles and Vinyl Roofs: We have the patterns and equipment to replace the roofs on Corniche, Silver Cloud and S-Type's. Other hoods are made to pattern from the existing hood. Don't panic if your vehicle has lost it's hood completely or is a conversion, with our experience we can manufacture a good looking and fitting hood from scratch. Whether you want a full re-trim to original standards, a custom re-trim to upgrade or individualise your vehicle or just small areas of repair. You can be assured that our attention to detail will ensure a perfect job every time. Connalisation: Even Rolls-Royce and Bentley interiors, which use the best Connolly Leather, will eventually fade, wear and discolour. This slow change and the patina of age is part of the beauty of Connolly Hide. Connollising is the process of adding fresh dye to the leathers skin. This will bring an evenness of colour back to the leather which will re-juvenate the whole interior. It is important to realise and accept that the leather will never look as new as it left the factory however it is treated. Do not be tempted by anyone promising you it will look like new or to have connallising done so heavily that it gives a showroom appearance. You will have exactly that. An interior which will look great in the showroom but will deteriorate as soon as it is sat on and used. Once over connallised the leather will dry out and crack in an unacceptable and unnatural way that can never be reversed. Our connallising will leave the interior fresh and pleasing to the eye and hand. We will give you an honest opinion of what can be achieved to give a pleasing and lasting finish. Restoration: This is a wide or general term which can range from the repair to original condition of a few specific areas or the rebuilding of the whole vehicle to a new or even better than new condition. Many things have to be taken into account which would take a whole web site in itself to cover. Please phone us to discuss your requirements. If it can be done, We can do it!
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Paul YorkeEverythingRollsRoyce794442444107944 424441079 4442 4441Rolls-Royce and Bentley Classic Motor Corp. Servicing Cardiff, Swansea, Carmarthen, Haverfordwest, Newport, Pembrokeshire, Neath, Wales, Uk, and Worldwide.