Spring Cups
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WebThis is where we'll announce the most recent additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's changed, take a look here first. We've added a few more interesting links on the search page. Rolls-Royce, Bentleys, and occasionally other vehicles. Workshop Manuals and Parts Books now available on CDrom or ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS . (see note on Manuals Page.) PDF files. Print out the pages when you need them. Silver Cloud and S-Type Starter motors. The best present you'll ever give yourself. Added video of Silver Cloud before and after fitting the new type starter motor.
Now summer is coming ( so we are told ) and cars are coming out of
hibernation, Electronic problems are raising their
ugly heads again. Remember to keep your battery topped up and run your car weekly. We Recommend a battery charger and conditioner like the one shown. These can be left connected and charging and will keep your battery in peak condition even if left for months at a time. We can supply these for £48.00 UK (including P & P) Click on the picture if you would like to ask for more information. We have been using these for over 15 years now and have still not had any problems.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Last october i donned my best anorak and wandered off to the rrec seminar on Spirits and Mulsannes etc, my turbo was one of 8 cars in my group and it was the last to go on the ramp for assassination by the experts, i was well chuffed, it was considered to be very good all round and the experts used it as an example to show the other anoraks how and where it should be lubricated, and it was the only one that had a new fuel filter. So my thanks to you for your good work. Phil R.
Hi Paul a good job, but im actually lost for words im sure the wood work looks better now than when the car was built in 1976. Pity i have to head back to the office i want to start
installing it now.
Dear Paul
for a cars meeting and won the 1st prize for my S2...The very
first we share, my car and I !!!
Just a note to thank you for all the work you have done on the car. I know you have put some hours in over the past few days and I appreciate it. The car was transformed on the way back, very quiet and smooth, steering felt better, gearbox less jerky, all in all a much better driving experience. Hopefully you will consider me a regular customer from now for both the Bentley and my Silver Wraith II. Mark W
Went and collected the car yesterday, and went for a test drive with the owner of the company, and the car was an absolute pleasure to drive, not a squeal or a groan from anywhere, I think this time they went over it with a fine tooth comb, probably to stop me from groaning. I genuinely do feel that this company want to supply a good car and they want the owners to be happy with there purchase, which I am, but I also feel that people like myself who are not very clever on the engineering side need a good back up like the RR Club sites and especially people like yourself who are willing to give up there time and share the vast knowledge that you have, and help us to solve these issues. So i would just like to say a massive thank you Paul for helping me to resolve this problem. If you are at Rockingham this year i think i might be one of many who will be in line to buy you a beer or two.
Dear Paul and the rest of the staff at Everything Rolls Royce!
THANK YOU! You met or exceeded my expectations in absolutely every way! I was nervous shipping such an expensive piece of my RR to be repaired but you reassured me with your confidence and professionalism! And then you followed through at each interval with good communication, AND great work! Thank you for doing what seemed like the impossible! My hat is off to you and yours! I will surely keep your contact on my desk in case I need your assistance.
Thanks again Paul, Erik Lund, Coon Rapids Collision Inc. 1996 Rolls Royce
Silver Spur with a bad ECU! (It's all good now thanks to you!)
Send mail to
help@EverythingRollsRoyce.com with
questions about our services or comments about this web Site.
Paul YorkeEverythingRollsRoyce794442444107944 424441079 4442 4441Rolls-Royce and Bentley Classic Motor Corp. Servicing Cardiff, Swansea, Carmarthen, Haverfordwest, Newport, Pembrokeshire, Neath, Wales, Uk, and Worldwide.